How to Join the 530AM Club

Irfan Bhanji
3 min readJul 8, 2024

I’ve transformed myself into a part-time morning person.

The benefits are clear. Better mood, feelings of accomplishment, and the slowing of time.

My secret weapon to being an early riser? Waking up for PEOPLE.

Joining the 530 Club

With less time now that I am back in the office, I joined two-morning run clubs. The initial motivation was to get miles in to help train for a half-marathon.

But now I do it because it’s the best way to start my morning.

The Friday run is themed around easy miles with socializing and coffee.

The second club is focused on training and doing long runs. It goes with a new philosophy I’ve been leaning into. If you are doing something hard, surround yourself with friends.

From chatting with other members, they feel the same way. Sunshine and sweating are awesome but everyone keeps coming back for the people.

Along with a lift in my mood, the days seem longer when I start with others. The two hours with these clubs feel like four. I go home thinking I’ve lived half a day then realize it’s only 9 AM!

Running clubs aren’t new for me, but I never imagined a morning version because I couldn’t see myself waking up.



Irfan Bhanji
Irfan Bhanji

Written by Irfan Bhanji

Organizational psychologist specializing in talent management. Productivity writer and exercise junkie.

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