9 Tips to Make Your Return to the Office Suck Less

Irfan Bhanji
4 min readMar 29, 2024

Here are 9 random yet impactful tips that have enhanced my experience.

Before Work

1. Tomorrow Starts Today

I hate waking up early. Now I have to wake up even earlier and get dressed for work.

Rather than go back to the habit of rushing, I’ve been embracing the idea of prepping the night before.

I set my watch for 9 pm to run through a checklist called “Tomorrow Starts Today”. I do these four things.

  • What am I wearing? (work clothes)
  • What am I eating? (lunch)
  • What does my day look like? (a quick look at meetings and reviewing my priorities for tomorrow)
  • Is my pour-over coffee station set? (I am sort of a coffee snob)

Doing a few things the night before makes mornings more pleasant and less chaotic. It’s the difference between greeting the day versus fighting it.

2. Keep Travel Size Kleenex in your Personal Effects

Am I the only one who sneezes at the first sight of the sun?

Do yourself a favor and buy a pack of travel-size Kleenex and place them into your bag/purse, coat, or wherever so you have…



Irfan Bhanji

Organizational psychologist specializing in talent management. Productivity writer and exercise junkie.